

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

THE Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Tanzania) party, was officially launched in Dar es Salaam with its leaders saying that the focus will be to set up policies and strategies targeting to alleviate poverty among Tanzanians.
Speaking during the function, the party’s leader, Zitto Kabwe, said that the ACT was committed to promoting public interest and patriotism which was advocated by the founder of the nation, the late Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere.
He said that Nyerere’s dream was reduction of poverty among Tanzanians and promotion of a nation with a narrow gap between the poor and the rich. He said that almost 54 years ago “we became independent.
The founder of the nation, the late Mwalimu Nyerere was a young man of about 39, with hopes of eradicating poverty, suffering and misery.
“It is the time to create economies of citizens through revolutionary changes that are going to be made by his party which could send us back the country to the hands of citizens,” he urged.
Mr Zitto credited ACT as a party which believes in principles of self-reliance, hard work, sincerity and professionalism towards bringing positive change in the country.
He said, ACT-Tanzania headed to the principles of Patriotism, democracy, freedom of thought and action, dignity, equality, integrity, transparency and accountability.
He declared that the party is for all its citizens with no regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, skin colour or disability status.


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